
Mobile Application Testing

Functionality Testing

Includes several Test parameters like user interface, APIs, database, security, client-server.

Usability Testing

Tests the Navigation and Content targetting different pages and ease of accessing page components, consistency and legibility aspects.

Interface Testing

Smooth interaction between Web application and Client server.

Database Testing

We assist you with querying of required responses for your application along with data integration. We ensure to maintain the Integrity of your data throughout. We ensure the accuracy and precision of responsive data.

Compatibility Testing

Aids in making sure the spread of your application to different environments which run on different platforms.

Performance Testing

Scales with varied Loads for your application and determine respective Stress, Soak and Spike parameters which helps to overcome live application disasters.

Security Testing

Uncovers vulnerabilities in your application and helps you indetermining resources required to protect your system from possible intruders. Undermining Threats and Risks that cause loss to your application.

Interruption Testing

Forsee the effecting system/ third party APPs interruption which causes bitter user experience. Example: Push Notification/ Battery level indications.


Ensures the availability of your application in respective geographic regions with accurate response to specific language and culture selection.


Provides a reliable solution which facilitate in reducing testing efforts, a faster delivery and very much affordable at any phase of your application development.