Quality Assurance and Testing

Continuous testing is an integral part of the DevTestOps journey

One of the biggest challenges that organizations face today is the inability to meet client expectations and demands. With customer experience requirements at their peak, organizations need to innovate continuously while focusing on providing the best possible quality at high speed, thus enhancing customer experience.
Every organization wants to achieve speed without compromising on quality. However, they still need to understand how to continuously analyze unpredictable situations. These unpredictable situations include challenges pertaining to people skills, tool integrations, metrics capture & analysis – overall, lacking the ability to evolve. Once they can run business as usual even in unpredictable times, they will also be able to achieve quality at speed.
At I-RAY, we help you understand that the first step in DevOps is not towards attaining end-to-end automation, but to understand your people, processes, teams, and tools. We help organizations continuously monitor the seamless functioning of their DevTestOps teams and make upgrades and adjustments to their quality engineering tools and stacks. It is with the evolution of these enablers that they are successful in their digital initiatives.

Continuous testing leads to a better understanding of risks to quality

Our engineering services & automation capabilities hook into your dev environment to help perform in-depth checks for product sanity, while our continuous testing services help you achieve scale. We help you in

  • Implement a flexible change management to perform continuous quality checks on the overall delivery of products.
  • Make progressive builds to check quality faster, leading to accelerated product development & future readiness.
  • Understand how Quality can be checked & improved continuously, and how can you shift-left the continuous integration (CI) processes.
  • Shift Quality left by fixing a significant portion of defects earlier, thereby making your product release faster and better.
  • With end-to-end User acceptance, Performance, Security, and multi-persona testing.

Together, quality and performance make the backbone of enterprise-grade software systems. Our full-cycle of Quality Engineering and Quality Assurance services automate crucial testing processes to help you digitize your business in the most strategic, cost-effective, and scalable manner.

Firmware Testing

Unit Testing

Provides a firsthand quality of code by conducting necessary unit tests which ensures your application to release coupling between software modules and facilitate simplified regression testing.

System Testing

Ensures the working of your product in compliance with End-to-End system specifications and in a reliable environment.

Integration Testing

Ensures the compliance and quality of code for your system withholds to the Requirement specifications after integration.

Customer based Testing

Ensures the working of your product in compliance with End-to End customer specifications and in a reliable environment.

Functionality Testing

Includes several Test parameters like user interface, APIs, database, security, client-server.

Usability Testing

Tests the Navigation and Content targetting different pages and ease of accessing page components, consistency and legibility aspects.

Interface Testing

Smooth interaction between Web application and Client server.

Database Testing

We assist you with querying of required responses for your application along with data integration. We ensure to maintain the Integrity of your data throughout. We ensure the accuracy and precision of responsive data.

Compatibility Testing

Aids in making sure the spread of your application to different environments which run on different platforms.

Performance Testing

Scales with varied Loads for your application and determine respective Stress, Soak and Spike parameters which helps to overcome live application disasters.

Security Testing

Uncovers vulnerabilities in your application and helps you indetermining resources required to protect your system from possible intruders. Undermining Threats and Risks that cause loss to your application.

Interruption Testing

Forsee the effecting system/ third party APPs interruption which causes bitter user experience. Example: Push Notification/ Battery level indications.


Ensures the availability of your application in respective geographic regions with accurate response to specific language and culture selection.


Provides a reliable solution which facilitate in reducing testing efforts, a faster delivery and very much affordable at any phase of your application development.